Copyright Joël Bartoloméo 2023
All rights reserved - Impressum
Verantwortlich für alle Inhalte dieser Website ist / Responsible for the content of this website is:
Joël Bartolomeo
Exerzierstraße 21
13357 Berlin
+33 6 73 53 80 94
Bilder / Images: Copyright Joël Bartolomeo - All rights reserved
Webdesign: Amélie Seydoux - Built with Indexhibit
Rechtliche Hinweise / Legal notes:
Der Download sowie der Ausdruck von Texten, Bildern und grafischen Elementen ist nur zum persönlichen, privaten und nicht zum kommerziellen Gebrauch gestattet. Alle Daten und Informationen, die in unseren Internetseiten enthalten sind, wurden sorgfältig recherchiert und überprüft. Trotzdem können wir keine Haftung für ihre Korrektheit, Vollständigkeit oder Aktualität übernehmen. Die Website könnte ohne ihr Wissen von einer anderen Seite mittels Hyperlink angelinkt worden sein. übernimmt daher keine Verantwortung für Darstellung, Inhalte oder irgendeine Verbindung zu in Webseiten dritter.
The download as well as the printing of texts, images and graphic design elements is only for private use. All datas und information contained in our internet pages have been carefully researched and checked. We cannot accept any liability for their correctness, completeness or topicality. The website may have been linked by hyperlink from another site without its knowledge. accordingly assumes no responsibility for the presentation and content of or any connection to in third parties websites.
Data Privacy Policy
Our website may be used without entering personal information.
Our website makes use of so-called cookies in order to recognise repeat use of our website by the same user/internet connection subscriber. Cookies are small text files that your internet browser downloads and stores on your computer. They are used to improve our website and services. In most cases these are so-called “session cookies” that are deleted once you leave our website.
To an extent, however, these cookies also pass along information used to automatically recognise you. Recognition occurs through an IP address saved to the cookies. The information thereby obtained is used to improve our services and to expedite your access to the website.
You can prevent cookies from being installed by adjusting the settings on your browser software accordingly.
Server Data
For technical reasons, data such as the following, which your internet browser transmits to us or to our web space provider (so called server log files), is collected:
– type and version of the browser you use
– operating system
– websites that linked you to our site (referrer URL)
– websites that you visit
– date and time of your visit
– your Internet Protocol (IP) address.
This anonymous data is stored separately from any personal information you may have provided, thereby making it impossible to connect it to any particular person. The data is used for statistical purposes in order to improve our website and services.
On our website we offer you the opportunity to contact us by email. In such event, information provided by the user is stored for the purpose of facilitating communications with the user. No data is transferred to third parties. Nor is any of this information matched to any information that may be collected by other components of our website.
The use of Instagram
We promote the service Instagram on our website. Instagram is a service of Instagram Inc. By means of the integrated “Insta” button on our page, Instagram receives the information that you have accessed the corresponding page of our website. If you are logged into Instagram, Instagram may assign the visit to our site to your Instagram account and link the data by this means. The data transmitted by clicking the “Insta” button is stored by Instagram. You can find more information regarding the purpose and scope of data collection, its processing and use, as well as your related rights and settings options for protecting your privacy in the Instagram data protection notice under
To prevent your visit to our site from being accessed by your Instagram account, you must log out of your Instagram account before visiting our site.
On the basis of the Federal Data Protection Act, you may contact us at no cost if you have questions relating to the collection, processing or use of your personal information, if you wish to request the correction, blocking or deletion of the same, or if you wish to cancel explicitly granted consent. Please note that you have the right to have incorrect data corrected or to have personal data deleted, where such claim is not barred by any legal obligation to retain this data.